Associazione Interprovinciale Produttori Ortofrutticoli.
Founded in 1974, today we are the leader in the tomato sector for the production of puree, pulp and other processed products that we find every day in supermarkets.
The production base is composed of over 350 agricultural producers, distributed in different regions: Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto, and Piemonte.
The surface is around 7,500 hectares, for an average production of over 500,000 tons, all the production comes from a Made in Italy supply chain, obtained according to the missions for whom we were founded: applying the best techniques which protect the environment, workers and consumers’ health.
Respects for environment and ecosystems
As.I.P.O adopts guidelines for crops of its own interest, including industrial tomatoes to better accompany its members to good agricultural practices, in order to obtain, as always, a product that respects the environment and ecosystems, sensitive to social and ethical issues and safe to be processed.
News from ASIPO world
September 2, 2024
18/08/2024: The processing tomato harvest and interviews with ASIPO technicians
In this episode of 'A cielo aperto - Con i Frutti della Terra' of 18/08/2024 with Claudio Ferri we are in the area of…
July 10, 2024
05/05/2024: Tomato transplanting and the 2024 campaign
In this episode of " A cielo aperto - Con i Frutti della Terra " of 05/05/2024, Claudio Ferri addresses many extremely…
March 26, 2024
18/02/2024: 2023 tomato campaign conclusion and outlook for 2024
In this episode of " A cielo aperto - Con i Frutti della terra " of 18/02/2024 with Claudio Ferri we are in a…
October 31, 2023
31/10/2023: ASIPO and the “Pomodorino d’Oro” award
The 24th edition of the award Pomodorino d’Oro given by Mutti company for the 2023 campaing was a source of great pride…
August 7, 2023
30/07/2023: Harvest campaign tomato 2023
In this episode of "A cielo aperto - Con i frutti della terra" of 30/07/2023 Claudio Ferri is in Sorbolo (PR) with…
July 11, 2023
06/11/2023: Transplants and the 2023 tomato campaign
In this episode of "A cielo aperto - Con i Frutti della Terra" of 11/06/2023 Claudio Ferri and our President and tomato…
July 10, 2023
10/06/2023: Le Mandrie Società Agricola and tomatoes
In this episode of " Agricoltura e Dintorni " of 10/06/2023 we returned to our partner Nicolò Paini owner of the…
January 27, 2023
01/01/2023: The industrial tomato: what future for the supply chain?
In the first episode of the year of "A cielo aperto - Con i frutti della terra" on 01/01/2023 Claudio Ferri presents…
December 20, 2022
Happy Holidays!
Our Company's commitment to the community continues through donations to the pediatric ward of the "Carlo Poma"…
Emilia Romagna rural development program.
Our company has benefited from funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)